Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Education as a solid basis for a civic society... and beyond

Our changing modern society brings many challenges; where modern technlology trends in automatisation and other developments in the labour market pose additional demands on our education systems, not to mention the constant experimental adjustments or saving-measures directed from politicians, which prove after all to be ... rather counterproductive

Yet, the development of a more positive society, private and business relations start both at school and at home: Through the said framework, the existing model at school for the development of more "efficient" people and citizens, has not brought any positive results: Pupils have learned theoretical models, copied them, but it produced a society system and employees, often without motivation: a society without a soul, without real connection with others: children experience school-life without a real sparkle and curiosity of discovering the world, questioning and appreciation of themselves and others is underrated.

This reflects e.g. also in the businesses sphere: facing problems with the creation of well-functioning teams and communication; threats and bullying in business, a lack of motivation of employees.

Society or Politics, however, underestimates the importance of adults and children being valued; where appreciation is the engine of every contact. As such, this lack if appreciation costs the state huge budgets in social welfare and psychological even physical healthcare (burnouts depressions, etc.). Therefore it is equally a vital ‘political’ agenda item towards a social and functional society.

(see also our scheduled October Worksop announcement here for Amsterdam and Vienna)

Alexandra Sitch &
Michael Srba

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